Supporting Your Sellers

By now we are all feeling the effects of a changing real estate market. As the market continues to reset and balance, it is an ideal opportunity for real estate agents to tap into a new side of their expertise. During this time, real estate agents have the opportunity to showcase their knowledge and skill set. Instead of the frantic pace we experienced over the last two years, agents now have the opportunity to truly showcase themselves as a pricing expert and advise clients on the best way to navigate the sales process.

The first thing we recommend is that you ensure you are spending adequate time on the preparation of

your listings. Take advantage of today’s slower pace to spend extra time and money on marketing your listing. This includes getting professional photography done, staging the home, preparing all stages of marketing (coming soon, just listed, under contract and sold), as well as hosting open houses.

Another thing you will want to begin devoting more time to is building relationships. The more you network, the more relationships you will build, and the more likely it will be that you will gain additional business from these relationships. Not only do you want to position yourself as a market expert, but also someone with whom people can build a lasting relationship.

Last but not least, an essential factor is to make sure you are communicating your value. Put your best foot forward and underscore everything you are going to do and all the ways you will be successful in selling their home. Then, do those things! Critically, be sure to establish a weekly check-in with your sellers while their home is on the market, where you discuss the steps you’ve taken to sell their house and strategize for the coming week.

This market shift is a key time to begin better supporting your sellers and getting back to your roots. Show your clients that you truly are a real estate expert!

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