Writing Email Subject Lines That Get Opened

With customers receiving countless emails from companies every day, how can you stand out from the crowd? The answer is as simple as creating a compelling subject line. As many as 64% of email recipients will determine whether or not to read or delete an email based on the subject line alone (Cognism).

For the real estate industry in particular, the average open rate is 13.42% (Knowledge Base).  Since email is a significant form of communication in real estate, ensuring that your emails are not only seen but also opened is crucial.

Consider the following tips:

  • Be informative, yet obscure: You do not want to give away all the information that is in the email to the customer. This will most likely dissuade them from opening the email. Compel them to want to read further. 
  • Avoid common spam triggers: Inboxes will filter emails automatically based on certain criteria. Spam triggers include the following:
    • Excessive punctuation (!!! or ???)
    • Phrases such as “free”, “guarantee”, and “click here”
    • All caps
    • Symbols such as #, @, and %
  • Make it short and concise: Subject lines should be no more than 70 characters in length. This will ensure visibility on both mobile and desktop devices. 
  • Use keywords: Keywords will increase the searchability in the customer’s inbox. This way they can refer back to your emails for information later “if needed” and if they are searching for a particular topic.
  • Personalize It: Find ways to tailor your subject line to your customers. For example, using their name can go a long way in making them feel valued. Emails with personalized subject lines can increase the open rate by 22% (snov.io).

Examples of subject lines include:

  • Jane, have you seen these facts about your neighborhood?
  • Important Factors to Selling Your Home in Applewood Canyon
  • Home Improvements to make this Summer in Denver! 

Subject lines may seem like an insignificant element in retaining customer interest, but in reality, it can be your greatest tool. By using these five easy tips, you can make significant improvements in your email marketing plan.

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