Stay Active in Your Community

As the rain (hopefully) starts to fade in Colorado, summer is a great time to be active in your neighborhood and community, and not just with door-knocking or FARMing.

Everyone wants a reason to get outside in summer months and enjoy time in the neighborhood with friends and family. Give your community an opportunity to be social by hosting an event where you can see neighbors AND position yourself as a trusted real estate resource.

Think about hosting a daytime block party or ice cream social event. Or, change it up by hosting an

21+ event with a local beer or wine tasting, and bring in an expert to review and explain the flavors.

By planning and hosting these events, you’re helping to cement yourself as an expert in the community while simultaneously giving people a reason to get together. Even if much of the event is spent talking casually and catching up with neighbors, you can be present as an authority by wearing logo’d gear, and casually discussing the current real estate market and trends you’re seeing — people want to hear what’s going on from a local expert.

Other ways to stay positioned as a prominent name in the community include hosting a local garage sale, facilitating a mid-summer clean up around the community, or joining hands with others in the neighborhood to help out elderly neighbors with yard work. You may also consider creating a neighborhood newsletter you can canvas with, and much more.

Ask LT.Digital how we can help you with assets to help you market to your neighborhood.

Sometimes all you need to get creative is a sunny day!

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